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I found an error in the config file. That is why I could not get the set up I was interested with (the belt without the weapons but with the cape). 

My previous comment on whether it would be possible to get the belt with the cape but without the blades is therefore irrelevant. Once the correction is done, in the config file, this setup appear. And it really looks nice when soldiers get a katana or a sword on their back (especially when using Xskins to replace the standard sword by one of your swords...).

This being said, I'm still interested to know whether you would consider a commissioned mod.


This is great. It would be better if the knife was removed from the waist.

(3 edits)

You may look at the config file (XComcontent.ini). The lines in the final set are using :  


They should be using 


There are seven replacements to be made. Keep the full lines of course and replace only the part related to the archetype. The archetype with the weapons has in fact been duplicated, that is why the weapons always appear, when there are two possibilities (one with the weapons visible and one without the weapons).
